For the past 12 months I develloped sympoms that made me believe I was either develloping a serious illness like chronic pulmonary problems or gastro intestinal problems. I have shortness of breath upon waking always have sputum clogged in my throat especially upon waking asthma-like symptoms and skin rashes which appear whenever I am seated. My skin has also developed incredible sensitivity just resting my elbows on my legs without clothing for a few minutes isenough to produce a kind of red rash of irritation. After going to various doctors who told me different prognosis a thought occured to me. SInce I stopped excercising about 4 years ago I have been consumming much bigger amounts of coffee than before. I use to never have any caffeine at all now I can have 2-4 coffees a day plus I do drink Coca-Cola more often at night. In the past few weeks I have also noticed at the end of the day a right twicthing or jerking in my right eye which has been pretty much constant for the last 3 weeks or so. Could these be actually a sign of an allergic reaction to caffeine? I do develop hives but only at night and usually only when I take off my clothing. I doubt the air at home could cause me hives whenever I scratch so I am left with something I ingest. Thank you for your time.
2014-10-29 10:39:32
I have been doing this in the last few days. I have revised my opinion about caffeine allergy however as this does not happen necessarily when I ingest coffee. In fact I start having an allergic type reaction and relatively mild itching and soon as I unclothe at home. Wether it be before going to bed or into the shower or just taking my shirt off coming home from work it seems that as soon as my skin is exposed to the air of my home I get an allergic type reaction with hives when I scratch. Is it possible the air in my home is somehow contaminated? It`s an old building but I keep my place clean. Yet the building next door was evacuated a few years ago by the sanitation departement and I am wondering if there are creatures or mold hiding behind the walls. Would I be having these respitory problems and allergic reactions for almost a year and a half if that were the case?
2014-10-29 10:40:12