I been looking for answers to my hearing loss that I have had for the past three months but only have some possible ideas. I was hoping to find if anyone has gone through similar situation and what their outcome or outlook has been. I am 49 years old. I was born deaf in my right ear. I had no issues with my left ear until 20 years ago. One day it dropped down and ringing started. It didn't go out completely but I had distortions and wild fluctuations and at times couldn't hear much. It came back within a month but over the years it would resurface for a week or two and come back Last bout with it was 6 years ago and was hoping it wouldn't ever come back I been to doctors had MRI and steroids injections etc to no avail. This time it started up over three months ago to where now I can barely hear without a hearing aid most days. It's never lasted this long and now I wonder if it's stuck. I'm in moderate severe range as of know. I been to ent and have appointments with more doctors next week. No one has had a answer for me on this. I have tinnitus since then as well. Does this sound like a progressive loss that people experience or an auto immune disorder. Anyone had similar issues and any good results. I know it's just a synopsis of what I am going through. Any thoughts or suggestions for where to seek answers would be appreciated. Thanks
2014-11-19 10:51:16
The fluctuating nature of the hearing loss appears to be symptom similar of Meniere's Disease or (as you mentioned) auto-immune disease. Your further testing at ENT is the correct path to follow. Good luck.
2014-11-19 10:51:48