Hello. My husband went to the emergency room three weeks ago because clear liquid and blood was coming out of his left ear. They said they thought he had a ruptured eardrum. They gave him antibiotic eardrops and sent him home. A week later he went to his Dr and he said it was a retracted eardrum. The Dr prescribed flonase and told him it would heal on its own. but now he is saying it feels like he is swallowing something on that side. There is still pain and he cannot hear anything but white noise on that side. Does anyone know what it could be or if a retracted eardrum can go that far in . Should I take him back to the e.r.? Thank ypu
2014-11-19 10:55:00
Your husband should visit an ENT (Ear Nose Throat) specialist. The eardrum is a thin membrane (flap) of skin that can not move. The swallowing sensation he is experiencing may be fluid draining into his throat--either from his ear via the Eustachian tube that connects both; Or draining from his nose to the back of his throat. The doctor can diagnose and provide further treatment for his ear pain.
2014-11-19 10:55:33