Very unfortunately due to mumps hearing loss of my 10 years daughters left ear has lost. Affter 5 days the steroid medicine was started. Medicine related to functioning the nerve also advised and have had for 3 months continuously but no improvement.Her right ear is ok. Then ENT specialist told it is irreversible....Now already more 6 months has passed. Is there any treatment now to improve it ? Your valuable suggestion please.
2014-11-19 11:03:53
olive 2014/11/19 11:04:05 There is no medicine to reverse sensori-neural hearing loss. However there are surgical options available for single sided deafness. Discuss this option with her ENT to see if she is a candidate. In addition an audiologist can determine if a CROS hearing aid would help her. These technologies allow the "better" ear to listen for the "poorer" ear.
2014-11-19 11:04:23