
Flying with recent SSNHL

I woke in the middle of the night with tinnitus and fullness in Left ear and sudden (partial) hearing loss on 10/02/14 (I had concurrently an URTI for 5 days- realted or otherwise) Unfortunately I was diagnosed with conductive hearing loss due to otitis media and only after audiology testing was finally diagnosed with SSNHL on 18/02/14 Having lost valuable time 8 days later I then commenced a 15 day course of prednisone; in reducing dosage starting with 1mg per kg body weight and reducing 10mg over 3 day perriod tapering to one day of 5mg. I am also taking antiviral as in the three months prior to this I had three successive outbreak of herpes simplex in inner lip It is pressumed to be idiopathic SSNHL and I am awaiting MRI scan MY QUESTION: How long after the initial outbreak is it safe to fly without endangering the chances of reversibility of the deafness and my hopeful recovery.? Could I jeopardise my chance of recovery? what indeed are the risks associated with the changes of pressure / altitude in flying I have a flight on 14/03/14 for a family event although of course I will cancel if there are any potential risks Thanking you so much as I am so anxious to maximise my chances of recovery

2014-11-19 11:07:06




Flying should not affect SNHL. Your audiology test revealed SNHL. It would be wise to wait for your upcoming MRI results that may reveal more information regarding your type of hearing loss. Flying can negatively impact a conductive hearing loss with the change in pressure. Have your physician make sure your don't have another ear infection before your flight. Enjoy your trip!

2014-11-19 11:07:31
