
Sudden hearing loss ! ! !

Almost two weeks ago I woke up with a hearing loss in my LEFT ear. Went to the doc got referred to a neurotologist had an audiogram. No dizziness no tinnitus. Audiogram was classic Meniere's audiogram with 30 dB loss across the lower 3 frequencies. Went on a low sodium diet of 1500 mg/day. Hearing came back and went away again sporadically. When listening to dial tone on phone sounds tinny and with static. Listening to radio also sounds tinny but no static. Am taking hydrochlorthiazide. By the time I went to bed yesterday I had a sudden hearing loss in my RIGHT ear--certainly felt like another 30 dB loss ! ! Left ear is still impaired. Called and emailed my neurotologist he's not in the other neurotologist who is covering scheduled another audiogram for Thursday and I was told it's Meniere's now bilateral. I know the audiologist will do a quick "touch-base" with the neurotologist on Thursday. Both GP/osteopath & on-call neurotologist would not prescribe an antiviral because they don't think Meniere's is viral (the research is conflicting but leans toward a virus being involved). Does a BILATERAL hearing loss due to Meniere's happen **this suddenly**? Within LESS THAN 2 weeks??? Am I going to be permanently deaf as this progresses fast???? Is there ANYTHING I can do? Feeling scared and all alone. Please help.

2014-11-19 11:21:17




Hello thank you for posting your question and concerns. I must say that you are definitely in the right hands with a neurologist and Audiologist. There are many things that cause "sudden" hearing loss including Meniere's Disease Auto-immune disease viruses that attack the inner ear medications etc.. What most Audiologist recommend is a trip to a neuro-otologist to investigate the etiology of the loss where they will then prescribe treatment options along with a diagnosis. My suggestion is to be persistent with your physicians to get treatment ASAP. When it comes to sudden hearing loss the longer it goes the less likely it will recover. I'm sorry I do not have better news for you on this situation. Good luck and please do let us know what your diagnosis ends up being. Thank you for using the forum Rachele M. Orsini Au.D.

2014-11-19 11:21:42
