I'm wanting to be proactive about protecting my hearing and wanted to ask for some advice about noise exposure while driving in my car. While driving I took sound level meter readings and measured about 73-74db with A-weighting and about 91-92db with C-weighting. That's a pretty big difference between the two so I'm not sure which one to abide by. 91db makes me a little uneasy for an 8 hr trip. I'm guessing the low frequency rumblings from the road are what make the C-weighting so high. Do you have any advice? I'd think wearing earplugs while driving is both illegal and dangerous. Thank you!
2014-11-19 11:22:18
Sound level meter readings may be affected by various factors (ie open window speed etc). Wearing hearing protection in any noisy environment is wise option. For maximum comfort and performance custom noise plugs may be ordered from an audiologist. Noise Plugs are available in a wide selection for various situations. Different filter levels are chosen for the appropriate attenuation (lowering of noise). Many allow for conversation while filtering out damaging noise levels.
2014-11-19 11:22:42