
Can Tyramine sensitivity be reversed?

I have hideous Migraines for many years. Almost all are caused by too much tyramine. I follow a strict Diet but keep having to add things too it. I just now on this site realized this could be an actual allergy. I have many other food allergies so it is reasonable. My present allergist will not deal with this--does not like to deal with food sensitivities. I go to him for air-born allergies (he is very good with these) and allergies to medicines of which I have many. I feel I am eating an unhealthy diet because of this especially when I lost citrus fruit. I can no longer even take calcium because it is made either from shelfish or citrus. Sorry this post got long but I am SO FRUSTRATED Any information will be appreciated! My question: Is there a way to prevent this situation? Or reverse it? Are these shots one can take? Or any treatment that would allow tyramine foods to be restored to one's diet? Thanks--MM

2014-10-29 10:50:23




Hello and hope you are doing well. Up to 20% of the population perceive themselves as suffering from food allergy but only 1-2% of adults have genuine food allergies. The most common culprits are peanuts milk eggs soya and shellfish. You will have to observe which food on consumption is causing this problem. The diagnosis of allergy is difficult to prove or refute. Clinical suspicion and trial of elimination diets are used. Under a doctor's supervision foods that have caused allergies in the past can sometimes be added slowly back into the diet. Your allergy specialist might be able to help you. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.

2014-10-29 10:50:57
