Over the past week i've had abit of a cold/Nasty cough but no form of slight hearing loss. I was blowing my nose(maybe too hard) and it popped my ears to the point where i thought i was completely deaf. Later that night i still had popped ears but then my girlfriend by accident hit me across the ear with the back of her hand and it made a loud ringing sound and slight dizzyness but not painful. It ringed for about 30 seconds. After about 2 hours i still had popped ears barely hear anything out of either ear so i thought i'd sleep on it and hopefully that'll do the trick. I woke up this morning and i can hear alot more out of my right ear then i did last night but not perfect however my left ear(that was hit) i feel almost completely deaf in it and its not painful. When i talk i can barely hear myself talk let alone it sounding muffled. Have i torn my ear drum?
2014-11-20 10:05:50
A torn eardrum is highly unlikely since that would have caused excessive pain and usually bleeding. The hearing loss you are describing may be due to your cold/congestion. A healthy eustachian tube drains fluid fom the middle ear to the back of the throat. The eustachian tube often swells and closes during a cold; creating a temporary hearing loss. A visit to an ENT is strongly recommended to diagnose and treat your symptoms. It's important to immediately treat any form of sudden hearing loss. Good Luck!
2014-11-20 10:06:17