

Hello my name is Travis. I have been having very strange symptoms lately that i cant explain. I have fluttering mostly in my left ear hen ever i hear certain noises. It doesn't happen all the time but when i hear a door slam shut or silverware bang together in the kitchen my ear does a quick flutter and then goes away Its not painful just very annoying. Also i don't know if this has anything to do with it but i can voluntarily contract my tensor tympani muscle and produce a low rumbling sound in my ears whenever i choose to. I looked on the internet and found that a small percent of people can contract this muscle on there own and produce a low rumble sound in there ears. I happen to be one of those people tho i do not know if it has anything to do with the annoying fluttering sound im hearing in my ears. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and try to help me :)

2014-11-20 10:21:23




Hi I think your best bet is to have an evaluation by an ENT specialist. This is the only way to get a comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms and the physiology of your ear. While they don't sound serious its best to get a medical opinion to know for sure.

2014-11-20 10:21:52
