At one point which was about 4 weeks ago I was cleaning my ears out with cotton buds a lot I then randomly got a fullness in my ear one day and then the ringing began. It was very very loud then got lower then got lower then I slept it off and there was nothing. After that I then could hear the faintest static sound in my ear then poof and it went one night. Then recently (the last week) I have come down with a regular head cold and as a cold does it affects your ears. I have been meaning to get my ears checked for wax by the doctor but as I’m slowly getting better day by day a faint ringing sound came this morning and I’m still awake. It went fast it’s now almost diminished. I’m a generally an anxious person and am on beta blockers which are propanolol hydrchloride. I was just wondering what your thoughts are
2014-11-20 10:33:32
I think you should see a physician right away. When it comes to ears and sudden symptoms time is really of the essence and the chances of full recovery are better if medical treatment takes place immediately. Please contact a physician that specializes in disorders of the ear (ENT or Otologist) and find out what has happened and what needs to be done. Ringing in the ear is typically an indication that the ear needs attention.
2014-11-20 10:33:59