Can wax build up in the ears cause problems in hearing properly? My son is 17 I find that he has problems hearing the TV seems to turn it up whereas for myself I prefer the volume to be not so high Lol!! I have tried cleaning his ears with olive oil as the Dr suggested I do so. Do you think I should have his hearing checked? Thank you
2014-11-20 11:27:51
Hello Thanks for posting this question....I'm sure there are other mothers out there in this same situation! Wax (also known as cerumen) can definitely build up and cause significant amounts of hearing loss. If you have been using olive oil it more than likely needs to be flushed out. I would suggest you visit your pharmacy and purchase an over-the-counter wax removal kit which includes an oil to help melt the wax and a bulb syringe to safely remove the debris from his canals. If that doesn't work then YES you should definitely have his hearing evaluated. Thank you
2014-11-20 11:28:24