
Hearing Aid vs Cochlear Implant?

Dear Doctor I have been using a hearing aid for about 10 years and my hearing is getting worse. Can you tell me how to tell if I need a better hearing aid or go for something more dramatic like a cochlear implant? Thanks

2014-11-20 11:38:33




Without knowing your audiogram and the history of your hearing aid use I cannot provide you with a concrete answer to your question however I can provide you with my suggestions.... You should start by talking to your Audiologist about your current hearing aids and determine if they are still appropriate for your hearing loss. There are measurements that can be done called Real-Ear Measurements that can determine if your hearing aids are on target for your hearing loss. You can also have a Cochlear Implant consultation with a Neuro-otologist. Typically an implant consult involves detailed testing with and without your hearing aids to determine if you are a candidate for a cochlear implant or if you should stick with hearing aids. This is usually comopleted at the implant physician's office with their Audiology Implant Team. Cochear implants are a specialized component in the field of Audiology and you should find a qualifed implant specialist who has a great Team of Audiologist on site. I hope this information is helpful to you.

2014-11-20 11:39:13
