Ear numbness
Hello. I have has numbness-burning feeling- crawling type feeling on the upper left side of my face and on and around my left ear for 1.5 years. 24 yr male healthy besides this. constant type of feeling. Have seen a very good neurolgist have had normal and skull based MRI. Both clean. The doc seems to think I just have a never disorder on the Trig nerve and cant really offer any help. As a last try I am wondering if my ear could have anything to do with it. The reason I ask this is beacuse this numbness started I had problems with water getting stuck in my ear. It was pretty bad and I got the same type of feeling in my face-ear that I have now. Several times I used a bulber and forced water into my ear with extreme force to try to relive the clog in my ear. Pretty pain full at times left me dizzy numb ect. After a couple months and doing this several times my ear stayed un-clogged for good. However I do now notice that I always have air in my ear and sometimes will have strange sensations of air coming out of the air. I ahve had a primary doc look into my ear with a simple scope but that is all. Is there a possibility that somehow I dmaged something that they cant see that is causing my ear- facial numbness. If so what? and what type of doc and tests should I get done. thanks for your time.
2014-11-20 11:47:17