
ear problems

for about a year ive been having ringing and thumping sounds it started out lasting seconds at a time and now lasting five to ten min one time i ringing for three hours this is happining in both ears but not at the same time i ve also recintly been having problems with my head the only way i can explain it is u know how when your upside down then stand back up and it feels like your bloods rushed to your head lets what i feel everyday for the past week also i can also feel my heartbeat trough my head ive seen my doctor for the ringing in thumping he wasent much help he just looked in my ears and said i dont see any drainage that was all he said

2014-11-20 11:52:07




You need to have some inner ear tests to rule out something serious causing the tinnitus. Also an MRI may be needed. After nothing found the treatment is masking with other sound music a hearing aid if the hearing is down and not being in the quiet. Arches tinnitus formula for three months help in 50% of cases. Neuromonics device helps reduce the tinnitus in many cases. Most people get used to the noise when they learn that there is nothing serious going on. Hope this helps

2014-11-20 11:52:51
