
What can I do about recurrent swimmers ear?

I am 32 yrs old and suffer from recurrent 'swimmers ear' at least twice each year every year. I do not swim and am very careful about getting any water in my ears while taking showers. It usually starts with a cold/congestion then approx. a week later I end up with an infected ear that swells so much that I usually have to get a wick put into it so I can get the drops to go in. It is very painful and makes me dizzy and my glands swell. What can I do to prevent this from happening all the time? Should I have surgery to remove my adnoids?

2014-11-20 02:46:18




Boric acid 3% in isoprople alcohol 70% used after swimming will prevent infections. No Q tips using ear putty to keep water out will help. If you keep the ears dry and no get them wet infections will cease.

2014-11-20 02:47:12
