Really frustrated I've been tracking my cycle all year and found that I have a 27 day cycle It appears ovulation happens on day 13 or 14 I do have rise in bbt every month but upon ovulation I start light bleeding which continues all the way until my period starts! So basically each month there are only 6 days where I'm not bleeding. No one can tell me why I had blood work done which appeared normal except thyroid was a little low. What should I do here? Could this be why after almost a year of ttc nothing has happened? I am 34 never been pregnant. Feel lost and need some direction please.
2014-11-20 03:28:20
Hi! If you were my patient I would start with a complete pelvic exam and pap smear. I would also want to do a sono hysterogram (which is a special type of ultrasound) to evaluate your tubes and ovaries as well as the lining of your uterus. I would very likely give you a short course of progesterone and then possibly consider Clomid although you are ovulating on your own. I would want your partner to do a semen analysis too. I would possibly consider starting some thyroid hormone if a repeat test showed a hypoactive thyroid. I would do all of these things right away! Go to see a gynecologist or even better a reproductive endocrinology specialist! Good luck!
2014-11-20 03:28:58