I noticed two bumps one on each side of the upper vulva slightly smaller than a pea. ( I hope I have the right term.) I just noticed them last week. After researching online I thought they might be cysts. I did reading and found that many people tried warm baths trying to slowly bring liquid to a head. BAD move. I only did that with one and now it much larger than the other and very tender and sore yet hard. I am scheduled to leave for a cruise tomorrow. Is this something I should be concerned about?
2014-11-20 03:29:57
Hi! I'm sorry for the delay in the answer (I have had some medical problems recently) If you were my patient I would advise you that I am concerned about two different possibilities the first would be in grown hair follicles. These can commonly result from shaving in that area. They are infected hairs and will develop lesions similar to large pimples. Usually they get better on their own but sometimes they need to be drained and/or antibiotic may be prescribed. The other concern would be a primary outbreak of herpes. I would need to see the lesions to help make the diagnosis. I hope this was of some use to you! OH and don't start your birth control late--start it WITH your period or it can actually trigger ovulation. Good luck!
2014-11-20 03:30:22