

After being on the pill for 9 yrs I stopped taking it about a year and a half ago. For the first six months my period came as it normally did while I was on the pill. Well for the last year I've been spotting for 2-3 days before my period and I just assumed it was my body adjusting to not being on the pill. This month the spotting came as normal but my actual period was three days late and only lasted 2 days and then went back to spotting. Prior to going on the pill I used to get bad pains around my ovaries that would make it difficult to walk. I went to the dr's and nothing was ever found. Well now that I'm off the pill I get those pains again usually on the first day of my period and then it goes away. This month along with being irregular I started having that pain before my actual period started. It's now a week after my period and i'm still experiencing that pain but its less severe. I'm also feeling pressure when I go to the bathroom. On top of that I've been dizzy nauseous and haven't had a normal bowel movement. I was just curious as to whether or not anybody had any suggestions as to what might be going on? Cysts?

2014-11-20 03:33:23




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that your symptoms could possibly represent a polyp in your uterus or cervix. Those can cause spotting. Endometriosis is another possibility. I would suggest that you see your doctor for a complete evaluation. Good luck!

2014-11-20 03:34:04
