I'm an 18 year old women Today I was told by my doctor I have a kidney infection possible ovarian cysts and I just started me period for this month so perfect. I gave her a urine sample this morning but couldn't produce enough for her to send out to a lab so they tested in her office. She put me on an antibiotic but I'm crying because I'm in so much pain what can I do to relieve this?
2014-11-21 03:25:16
Hi! I hope by now that your kidney infection has responded to antibiotics. If you are not better you should definitely go back to your doctor. Usually a kidney infection will respond quickly to antibiotics. An ovarian cyst can either get better quickly or the pain can persist. Again if you are not better you should go back in to your doctor's office. If nothing else they can give you something for pain. In the mean time. or if it comes up again you can try Ibuprofen Anaprox or Tylenol. Good luck!
2014-11-21 03:26:28