

So I am on birth control. I took one package of pills after another. I'm not sure if I got my period or not this is all due to the fact that I am having little bits of blood coming out. It's been over a week. I'm not sure what to do. Should I stop the pills?

2014-11-21 03:37:50




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you NOT to stop the pills. You should probably contact your doctor or his/her nurse for advise. It is common to have irregular bleeding when you first start the pill. We will often recommend that you "tough it out for 3 packs" or so. Usually if you can get to that third pack your cycles will have sorted themselves out. IF not you may need to change pills. BUT call your doctor's office and check to see what they recommend! Good luck!

2014-11-21 03:38:41
