
Brown Vaginal Discharge

Greetings I have a problem I am dealing with and it would be great if you guys could provide me with some more insight and help. My girlfriend is 21 years old. Currently she is experiencing brown vaginal discharges of the dark and musky type. Her last period was 3 weeks ago. The discharges have been going on for 5 days as of this post. She experiences no pain or irritation of any kinds and her discharge does not give off any foul odor except for a slight musky scent. We last had sexual intercourse around 4 days ago with protection as always. She is worried about the ongoing discharges as it had never happened to her before and since 5 days has passed and the occurrences have not stopped. Do you think this is normal? Is it a sign for some underlying problems? We are going to do a pregnancy test but in the mean time I would like to just post this question up here for any expert to see and would like to contribute. Also of note is that my girlfriend apparently has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and thus is constantly on pregnancy pills and has been taking them for a year. I don't know if this has anything to do with the unusual discharges but definitely you guys would have a better idea. Thank you very much in advance for your help. I look forward to your replies and advice

2014-11-24 10:29:26




Hi! If your girlfrined were my patient I would advise you/her that the discharge is probably old blood that is being slowly discharged. Probably from a slow prolonged very light menstrual period. Once this cycle passess your normal cycles may resume. IF not you may want to tal

2014-11-24 10:29:52
