
was i fertile during unprotected sex?

I have irregular periods usually lasting between 35-45 days although i have gone much longer without one. my last period was on nov.5th 2013 and i had unprotected sex on December 13th and 14th 2013. could i have gotten pregnant? was there any chance i was fertile?

2014-11-24 10:51:53




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that when you have irregular periods like that ovulation can occur at any time. Many women have gotten pregnant because they felt that irregular periods protected them. BUT yes you could have gotten pregnant. The earliest that a test will show a positive result is about 10 days after ovulation so since you can't count on having a period you should probably do a test around the 23 24th and repeat in a week if negative. Don't forget about condoms and the morning after pill--which is available without a prescription at most major pharmacies Good luck!

2014-11-24 10:52:36
