Hi Doctor Thank you so much for your help. So I've been having cottage cheese like vaginal discharge odorless but somewhat itchy and my left inner labia is swollen beyond belief a couple inches more than normal it hangs down and is very hard to touch. I can't walk or function it hurts to sit or do anything basically. Do I maybe have a Bartholin duct abscess and thrush as well? I've tried several things that don't seem to be working too well i started with monostat 1 the 1 day plunger and the miconazole 2% cream that comes with it then i tried vagisil anti itch topical cream followed by plain yogurt dipped 100% cotton tampons. i'm so sick of this and i just want to feel normal again. I dont know what to do and I don't have money to go see the doctor I'm in a small town and all there is is emergency over the weekend which will cost me a boatload of money I don't have : / Thanks so much
2014-11-24 11:18:04
Hi! If you were my patient I would treat you with Diflucan which is an oral antifungal agent. In some cases the vaginal preparations can cause a reaction which is sometimes worse than the original yeast infection. So while i am using the oral antifungal I will sometimes use topical cortisone cream as well for its anti inflammatory properties. If your left side is signficantly larger than your right side it could be a Bartholins duct cyst or abcess (abscess) in addition to the yeast infection. A Bartholin's duct cyst will sometimes respond to antibiotics or warm soaks but in most cases they need to be lanced and drained with a catheter inserted to keep the opening from closing and swelling again From the sounds of things you really should consider going to the doctor's office--it may save you money in the long run. Good luck!
2014-11-24 11:18:38