
so confused

OK 8 year 8 month since tubal ligation. Period has been tracked since forever it seems. Period really confusing this time started 11-24-12 no biggy started normally light flow pinkish in color 11-25 medium flow OK 11-26 no flow til I went pee bloody tissue but nothing after that until I urinate only thing that is menstral is the tissue. My period has always been at the least a 5 day cycle. Today 12-05-12 major cramps on sides right above my hips. Figure I'm ovulating but not due for that til the 11th. So very confused please help.

2014-11-24 11:23:47




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you to do a pregnancy test although the chances are pretty low if you had a tubal ligation that long ago. If the test is positive you should contact your doctor ASAP. IF it is negative you may just have failed to ovulate this cycle and therefore had a really light period-this is very common and nothing to worry aobut unless you are this problem frequently. Good luck!

2014-11-24 11:24:36
