I'm 16 weeks pregnant with twins and my on said I could eat whatever I wanted except alcohol. Well I just ate stuffing seasoned with celery seed and then read I shouldn't. Am I okay are the babies going to be ok should I worry?
2014-11-24 11:32:28
Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that small amounts of a spice used to season food will not have any harmful effects on the babies or you. Celery seed in large quantities or the extract could potentially cause uterine irritability or contractions or even bleeding if you were using large amounts and it has not been studied in pregnant women so I would not advise eating large quantitites such as what you mght use for its sedative qualitites. BUT almost anything in small amounts is OK. Cetainly if you do have cramping or any bleeding call your doctor right away but you will most likely be just fine. Good luck!
2014-11-24 11:33:02