hi I am currently 19 years old and 7 weeks pregnant Monday night I experienced a little bleeding and spotting I got really scared and went to the ER the doctor checked my pelvis's and told me something about threaten miscarriage and I was spotting a little and that I should go see my obgyn asap I told him when my appointment was and he said I should be fine. when the nurse ask me to urinate in the cup my urine was regular and at that time I had on a pad but nothing was in there.. the doctor told me that I'm still pregnant but I didn't get a ultrasound or anything the only thing he did was put the stethoscope on the lower part of my stomach and told me to breath. He checked my blood type which was b+ and which he stated was good so he told me to stay off my job for a couple of days and rest and relax and drink plenty of fluids. I'm young I'm really scared and I don't want to loose my baby since Monday I haven't seen any blood I have been normal .I want to know even though I experienced that does this mean I'm going to loose my baby further on or is my baby going to grow and what exactly does blood type have too do with being pregnant
2014-11-24 11:56:07
Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that a woman is only fertile for about 24 hours per month during the time immediately prior to an during ovulation. The tricky part is that sperm can live in the woman's system for up to 5-7 days. SO intercourse as much as a week before ovulation can result in pregnancy. Hope that helps! 11:56:23 olive 2014/11/24 11:56:23 Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you that if the bleeding has stopped you are probably going to be fine. I would recommend that you see your doctor as soon as you can and if you have any more bleeding before that time you should go back to the ER. Your doctor will probably do an ultrasound to be certain that the baby is growing normally. Blood type is very difficult to explain fully so I will just say that you don't need to be concerned unless your type is negative. If you want you could Google rH disease or isoimmunization. Good luck!
2014-11-24 11:56:39