

I went into the ER for lower abdominal pain but only at night during sleep. I wake up with severe pain that can kast up to 45 minutes. Found out that my hcg level was 2997 but no gestational sac was found in the endometrium thru an ultra sound (and vaginal usound). The doc did find some fluid in the endometrium cavity or within the endometrium and cysts at the junction of vagina and cervix. His impression was that there is no definitive intrauterine gestation. Is this a possible ectopic pregnancy

2014-11-24 12:00:24




Hi! If you were my patient I would be VERY concerned about an ectopic pregnancy. I would see you in 48 hours for a repeat blood test and ultrasound. IF the pregnancy is normal I would expect the blood test to be about 6000 and I would DEFINITELY expect to be able to identify the pregnancy. DO NOT stray too far from your doctor or the ER as an ectopic pregnancy can rupture and cause internal hemorrhaging. I hope your doctor scheduled you for follow up and you DO NEED TO GO! Good luck!

2014-11-24 12:00:44
