
what is wrong?

Hello. I am a week late for my period. I am getting slight cramping as if i was on my period. I also had severe breast tendernes in the beginning when i was suppose to start my period and now it is not so severe. I took 2 pregnancy tests and they both came out negative. I took one about 3 days before my missed period and the other on the day of my missed period. I had a uti/ yeast infection but it is gone. I never had a missed period due to that though. I pee now more than ever in a day. My periods are regular 28 days. Can i be pregnant? Could i just have tested too soon? What is the matter with me?

2014-11-26 11:38:54




It is possible that you are not far enough along in the pregnancy for the test to register it. When were you last sexually active? What are your diet and stress level like? I have seen a number of cases where an eating disorder and stress can cause more severe cramping missed periods moodiness and severe breast tenderness. Both insufficient nutrient intake and stress causes a lot of abnormal hormone fluctuations.

2014-11-26 11:40:22
