
small pink bumps

im 23yrs old. so about a day or two ago i noticed a couple small pink bumps on the outside of my vagina (labium majora) also just got off my period but still spotting. then i started to notice a couple bumps on my lower butt and inner upper thighs. they dont hurt and they dont have puss just pinkish bumps. they kinda itch. anyways that night i had sex with this guy im talking to (i have had alot of sexual partners but i have only have sex with him the last 4 months) (him on the other hand i know he still has sex with other girls) well that next day i notice i have more bumps in the same area. and it was itchy and i scratched it a lil bit and not even a couple hours later there were more bumps. WHAT ARE THEY? i know i have hpv but i dont have the money to go back to the doctor and get the procedure done for cervical cancer. and my vagina opening is red and alil swollen. no discharge. what can all this be? please help me with this any thing i can do at home without dr visits.?

2014-11-26 11:42:47




Hi! If you were my patient I would advise you to get yourself to the doctor and figure out how to pay later. Go to Planned Parenthood or to the county health clinic and get yourself taken care of! It sounds like you may have genital warts which can get quite severe if they are spreading this rapidly. It could also be Herpes or Molluscum contagiosum. Sometimes if hpv is becoming aggressive it can be a sign that you have acquired HIV. Given that you are indulging in high risk behaviors you should get tested for all of the above and get treated! Don't wait until you have to figure out how to pay for radiation treatment for invasive cancer! Also don't forget about condoms--and be good to yourself! You are worth more than that! Good luck!

2014-11-26 11:43:16
