
Acne cream created tiny bumps

I had been having a little trouble with acne so I bought a treatment to just put on the trouble spots. The next day I broke out in lots of tiny skin colored bumps on the places I put the cream. It's not itchy its just dry feeling like sand paper. I haven't used the cream since...and it's been a few days and the bumps haven't gone away at all. How do I soothe my skin?

2014-11-28 10:09:08




From personal experience and having a background in the cosmetic industry and skin care your skin needs to get worse to get better. What's happening is the cream is pushing all the bacteria to the surface so it can be excreted. It is normal. Try it for a few days to a couple weeks to see how the results are. The dryness is perfectly normal because the cream probably has one of the following active ingredients: salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Which one is it and how much of it is in it? Are you applying an oil-free moisturizer on top of the cream and your entire face and neck as well? By the way check the ingredients on the cream and make sure it is oil-free. Added oil can sometimes be put into creams for acne and actually can aggravate the breakouts even more. Another good tip is to NEVER and I mean NEVER avoid a moisturizer! A lot of people who suffer from acne (I do as well unfortunately!) tend to take a moisturizer out of their skincare routine because they feel that added moisture causes breakouts; which isn't true! Sometimes never adding a moisturizer and even having dry skin can cause acne due to your skin producing more oil from your sebaceous glands to hydrate your skin thus causing breakouts. So applying an oil free moisturizer is necessary for healthy glowing skin to balance the PH levels underneath. Sorry this became a long post haha but I love educating. Anyway a great soothing moisturizer is an organic one without any parabens and phthalates. One you can get over the counter is like BURT'S BEES AVEENO KISS MY FACE ETC. My personal favorite product line even though it is a bit more $$ would be Origins. I am absolutely obsessed with their whole regimen. They have treatment for acne to aging. I would definitely look into it if you're willing to pay a bit more than OTC. Another soothing applicant that shouldn't clog pores would be Aquaphor if you need help with excessive dryness in spots. I hoped this helped. Best of luck!

2014-11-28 10:09:43
