Hello! So i've been having a problem with my hair near the roots where it's sort of sticky or slippery or oily and i usually have to wash my hair everyday now because its kind of gross to leave it more than a day. Someone said it could be because of my natural oils being there but i never had this problem before i did switch shampoos because it was giving me this problem but the new shampoo does just the same. I used to use fructis and now i use tresemme. I don't know what may be causing it? I also tried using anti-residue/clarifying shampoos and it doesn't work. My scalp is now more itchy than usual too but i don't think i have dandruff because i don't see any white flakes or anything. Help ): I'm a girl by the way!
2014-11-28 10:19:26
You could try neem shampoo or tea tree shampoo. Find out what is being added to your water and add a shower water filter for either ammonia plus chlorine or just chlorine and filter those out.
2014-11-28 10:20:04