
HELP! my Hair

my age is 19-21 and Im litterly loosing my hair!! my hair keeps fallingout strand from to strand! im alread getting bald spots!!! HELP why is this! i seen that maybe it can be my thyroid bt i also know that there can many more reasons for this!!!!! it scares me because here at home my hair is everywhere! about 20x out of the day i caress my hair and each time 4-6 strand come out. im worried pretty soon it'll start getting noticable

2014-11-28 11:00:22




I do apologize the name threw me. Please accept my apology. However that is good news because obviously it is not MPB. SO that leaves us with other disorders. Not knowing your medical history it hard to call. Have you been to your doctor yet? It is sounding more like Alopecia and the fact that it is coming out in patches also sounds like Alopecia. There are many different things that can make you lose your hair temporarily though so I would start with your family practice doctor and he will run some test and guide you to the right specialist. Stress can be a cause too but not the amount that you speak of. Whatever it is I hope for your sake that they find the cause quickly and resolve it for you. Good Luck to you!

2014-11-28 11:01:05
