I have dry peeling skin behind my ears. How can I get rid of it?
2014-11-28 11:21:54
It's all about will power diet and exercise. Vitamin b12 won't magically make you lose weight - you need to do that yourself. Just make sure you eat 3 healthy meals a day and healthy snacks in between. Have a mixture of proteins carbs etc throughout the day. Eat as much fruit and veg as you can. I know you have asthma but you can still exercise. Swimming or walking is great and gentle enough for you. 11:22:02 olive 2014/11/28 11:22:02 Hello Here are some easy and effective way to get rid of dry peeling skin. • Use tea tree oil a natural tincture that is extremely effective on skin conditions. Mix one drop of tea tree oil with five drops of olive oil coconut oil and almond oil. Add this mixture to a half cup of warm water and smooth it on your face. • Drink plenty of water--10 to 12 glasses daily. Hydrating the skin is vital to maintaining healthy skin and treating facial skin peeling. • Stay out of the sun. If being outside in the sun is necessary wear a hat and use sunscreen to prevent your facial skin from sustaining further damage.
2014-11-28 11:33:52